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Ashfield Aquatic Centre
After 55 years in operation and over 11.5 million visitors, the much loved Ashfield Pool closed its doors in 2018. The facility was no longer safe to use due to ongoing occupational health and safety issues— ageing infrastructure; including broken tiles, blocked sewers, poor ventilation, and structural weakness.
Sparks and Partners Consulting Engineers were contracted by Jones and Jones Master Plumbers to assist their client Inner West City Council with hydraulic engineering services for workshop design of The Ashfield Aquatic Centre.
The Ashfield Aquatic Centre now meets the diverse need of the community. Significantly, the health and fitness centre, with extensive facilities and programs that provide benefit to all visitors – from school-age to older adults. The initial plan for the new outdoor pool omitted a movable floor to easily change the pool’s depth. Its addition opens the Centre to a broader range of uses like water polo, events and other special programs.
The new facility features:
50 m outdoor pool with access ramp and divider
Outdoor program pool with a 2.1 m movable floor
Children’s leisure pool, landscaping and green wall
Sauna, steam and spa attached to the pool hall
Gym, cafe, change areas, crèche and retail spaces
Community meeting rooms and more parking
Greenspace, covered seating, landscaped areas and lush terraces.
Sparks and Partners Consulting Engineers provided the following scope of work:
Workshop Design
Attend design coordination meetings;
Design and documentation (CAD drawings PDF/DWG formats) including:
Roof drainage, balcony drainage and downpipe design;
Sewer Drainage;
Sanitary Plumbing and drainage;
Trade Waste Drainage;
Cold Water Service;
Hot Water Service;
Rainwater re-use and filtration service;
Fire Hydrant Services; o Gas Services;
Fire Hose Reel Services.
Provision of design certification.
Penetration Documentation
Preparation of hydraulic services penetration drawings at 1:100 scale for submission to surveyor.
Post Construction
Block plan design;
As Built plan documentation;
Sewer services design for submission to authority.